The Second International Saga Conference

The Second International Saga Conference
2—8 August 1973

Fornsögurnar og íslenskt miðaldaþjóðfélag / The Sagas and Society

Alþjóðlegt fornsagnaþing, Reykjavík 2.-8. ágúst: Fyrirlestrar I-II, ed. Jónas Kristjánsson (Reykjavík: University of Iceland, 1973).

  1. Frederic Amory: Skaulfhalabálkur, the fornaldarsögur and the European beast epic.
  2. Heinrich Beck: Source reference and narrative attitude in Egils saga.
  3. Paul Bibire: Verses in the Íslendingasögur.
  4. Régis Boyer: Paganism and literature: The so-called pagan survivals in the samtíðarsögur.
  5. Einar Pálsson: Myth and the structure of medieval pagan society in Iceland.
  6. Robert J. Glendinning: The dreams in Sturla Þórðarson’s Íslendinga saga and literary consciousness in 13th-century Iceland.
  7. John L. Greenway: The paradigms of heroism.
  8. Peter Hallberg: Njáls saga — a medieval morality.
  9. Fredrik J. Heinemann: The heart of Hrafnkatla again.
  10. Anne Heinrichs: Intertexture and its function in early written sagas.
  11. Jónas Kristjánsson: Íslendingadrápa and oral tradition.
  12. John Lindow: The sagas as ethnographic documents.
  13. Duncan Macrae-Gibson: Sagas, Snorri and the literary criticism of scaldic verse.
  14. Rory McTurk: The principal Icelandic version of the story of Ragnarr loðbrók.
  15. Margaret Madelung: Snorri Sturluson’s mirror of the thirteenth century.
  16. Edith Marold: The presentation of the skálds in the Íslendingasögur.
  17. Marina Mundt: Pleading the cause of Hænsa-Þórir.
  18. Njörður P. Njarðvík: Hranfkels saga í pólitísku ljósi.
  19. Óskar Halldórsson: Sögusamuð og stéttir.
  20. Russel Poole: Some lausavísur reconnected.
  21. Paul Schach: Antipagan sentiment in the Icelandic sagas (abstract).
  22. Kurt Schier: Iceland and the rise of literature in terra nova: Some comparative reflections.
  23. John Simpson: Guðmundur Arason: A clerical challenge to Icelandic society.
  24. Erik Skyum-Nielsen: Færeyingasaga — ideology transformed into epic.
  25. Preben Meulengracht Sørensen: Some traits in the patterns of social balance in the Laxdœla saga.
  26. Arnold R. Taylor: Laxdæla saga and author involvement in the Icelandic sagas.
  27. Claiborne W. Thompson: Moral values in the sagas (abstract).
  28. Vésteinn Ólason: Concentration of power in 13th-century Iceland and its reflection in some Íslendingasögur.
  29. John van der Westhuizen: Some contradictions in the principles of Icelandic social organisation.
  30. Patricia M. Wolfe: The later sagas: Literature of transition.

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