The Seventh International Saga Conference

The Seventh International Saga Conference
4—10 September 1988

Poetry in the Scandinavian Middle Ages

Poetry in the Scandinavian Middle Ages: Preprints, ed. Teresa Pàroli (Spoleto: Centro Italiano de Studi sull’Alto Medioevo, 1988).

  1. Bjarni Guðnason: Some observations on Heiðarvíga saga.
  2. Régis Boyer: On the figurative speech.
  3. Jesse L. Byock: Sigurðr Fáfnisbani: An Eddic hero on church portals.
  4. Margaret Clunies Ross: Voice and voices in Eddic poetry.
  5. Roberta Frank: Why skalds address women.
  6. Gísli Sigurðsson: On the classification of Eddic heroic poetry in view of the oral theory.
  7. Olivier Gouchet: Sigurðr, Freys vinr (abstract).
  8. Vittoria Grazi: Die Götterlieder der Edda und die Indogermanische Dictersprache.
  9. Otto Gschwantler: Die Überwindung des Fenriswolfs und ihr christliches Gegenstück.
  10. Joseph Harris: Reflections on genre and intertextuality in Eddic poetry.
  11. Anne Heinrichs: Hákonarmál im literarischen Kontext.
  12. Hermann Pálsson: Towards a classification of early Icelandic poetry.
  13. Jenny M. Jochens: Vǫluspá: Matrix of Norse womanhood.
  14. Jónas Kristjánsson: Stages in the composition of Eddic poetry.
  15. Robert Kellogg: The pre-history of Eddic poetry.
  16. James E. Knirk: The corpus of Old Norse metrical texts in runes from Bergen.
  17. Hans Kuhn: Verbale Kenningerweiterungen.
  18. Dora Maček: Conflicting metaphors — The translator’s torment.
  19. Edith Marold: Skaldendichtung und Mythologie.
  20. John Stanley Martin: Some thoughts on kingship in the Helgi poems.
  21. Joaquín Martínez-Pizarro: Woman-to-man senna.
  22. Carlo Alberto Mastrelli: Reflections of Germanic cosmogony in the kenningar for man/woman.
  23. Rory McTurk: The poetic Edda and appositive style.
  24. Marina Mundt: Hervarar saga ok Heiðriks konungs revisited.
  25. Hans-Peter Naumann: Hvar sáttu brúðir bíta hvassara? Stilwert und Funktion der AcI-Konstruktion in der Edda.
  26. Richard North: The pagan inheritance of Egill’s Sonatorrek.
  27. Gryt Anne Piebenga: Heyrðu hjálpin skæra, an Icelandic miracle poem and its antecedents.
  28. Diego Poli: Concord and discord in the banqueting hall.
  29. Russell Poole: Skaldic praise poetry as a marignal form.
  30. Judy Quinn: Vǫluspá and the composition of Eddic verse.
  31. Carlo Santini: Die Frage der Hárbarðzlióð in Bezug auf die klassische literarische Tradition.

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