The Eighth International Saga Conference

The Eighth International Saga Conference
11—17 August 1991

The Audience of the Sagas

The Audience of the Sagas: Preprints, I-II, ed. Lars Lönnroth (Gothenburg: Gothenburg University, 1991).

  1. Reidar Astås: Om Bibelanvendelsen i Þorláks saga.
  2. Karen Attar: Christianity and the sens of Tristrams saga.
  3. Sverre Bagge: Ideology and propaganda in Sverris saga.
  4. Régis Boyer: Vikings, sagas and Wasa bread.
  5. Giorgio Brugnoli: Le Traitement de Salluste par Adam de Breme.
  6. Peter Buchholz: Vi bär alla samma sigill: The revelance of Germanic and Scandinavian antiquity in a South African context.
  7. Jonas Carlquist: Öst- och västnordisk reception av helgonlegender: Likheter och skillnader.
  8. Margaret Clunies Ross and Judy Quinn: The image of Norse poetry in seventeenth-century England.
  9. Robert Cook: The effect of the conversion in Njáls saga.
  10. Margaret Cormack: Fiǫlkunnigri kono scalattu í faðmi sofa.
  11. Helle Degnbol: Ordbog over det norrøne prosasprog: Seneste udviklinger.
  12. Britta Olrik Frederiksen: Det første stemma, dets videnskabshistoriske baggrund og skaber(e).
  13. Jürg Glauser: Das Ende der Saga: Zum Verhältnis von Handschriftlicher und gedrucker Überlieferung der traditionellen Erzählliteratur im Island des 19. und Beginnen den 20. Jahrhunderts.
  14. Galina Glazyrina: Information about Eastern Europe in Old Norse sagas and its adaptation for the Nordic audience by saga-authors.
  15. Guðrún Nordal: Höfðingjaskáld á Sturlungaöld.
  16. Guðvarður Gunnlaugsson: Tekstkritiske problemer i Grettis saga.
  17. Elena A. Gurevich: Þulur in Skáldskaparmál: An attempt at skaldic lexicology.
  18. Natalia Ju. Gvozdetskaya: Old Icelandic names of emotions and the epic mind.
  19. Jan Ragnar Hagland: An 18th-century Norwegian reception of Old Nordic myths: Hans Jacob Wille’s Extract of Nordic mythology (1787).
  20. Peter Hallberg: An Icelandic saga of our time: Halldór Laxness’ Gerpla.
  21. Joseph Harris: The enigma og Gísla saga.
  22. Fredrik Heinemann: Intertextuality in Bjarnar saga Hítdælakappa.
  23. Anne Heinrichs: Der Kanon altnordischer Poesie im 18. Jahrhundert.
  24. Constance Hieatt: The Nordic background to Beowulf’s last words.
  25. Bengt Holmström: First boundary stone at Suntru Asi and Snutru Ase.
  26. Tatjana N. Jackson: The north of Eastern Europe in the ethnogeographical nomenclature of early Nordic texts.
  27. Judith Jesch: History in the political sagas.
  28. Jenny Jochens: Before the male gaze: The absence of the female body in Old Norse.
  29. Jón Hnefill Aðalsteinsson: Folklore in the Icelandic sagas and the blót of Guðrún Ósvífrsdóttir.
  30. Bengt R. Jonsson: With ballad poets in the audience: A special kind of reception.
  31. Marianne Kalinke: Osvalds saga konungs.
  32. John Kennedy: The English translations of Vǫlsunga saga.
  33. Jonna Kjær: Censure morale et transformations idéologiques dans deux traductions de Chrétien de Troyes: Ívens saga et Erex saga.
  34. Barbara Krebs and Rudolph Simek: The reception of natural science in 13th-century Iceland: A commentary on Gml. Kgl. Sml. 1812, 4to: A report on work in progress.
  35. Riti Kroesen: The gift of the supernatural giver in the heroic saga of the North.
  36. Hans Kuhn: The rímur poet and his audience.
  37. Carolyne Larrington: What does woman want? Mær and munr in Skírnismál.
  38. Anne Lidén: Sankt Olavsskåpet i Stralsund.
  39. John Lindow: Manumission ritual in Old West Scandinavian law.
  40. Flemming Lundgreen-Nielsen: Grundtvigs nordisk-mytologiske billedsprog — et mislykket eksperiment.
  41. Mats Malm: Improving history with Old Norse poetics: A 17th-century theory of interpretation.
  42. Edith Marold: Der Skalde und sein Publikum.
  43. John Stanley Martin: The transference of attitudes to Islam from France to Scandinavia in the Elie de Saint Gille and Elis saga ok Rósamundu.
  44. R. W. McTurk: The anxiety of influence and the Icelandic literary tradition.
  45. Elena Melnikova: Local lore and Latin science in Old Norse geography.
  46. Valeria Micillo: Classical tradition and Norse tradition in the Third Grammatical Treatise.
  47. Stephen A. Mitchell: Heroic legend, parricide and Istaby.
  48. Tomoaki Mizuno: Loki as a terrible stranger and a sacred visitor.
  49. Lotte Motz: The poets and the goddess.
  50. Elsa Mundal: Íslendingabók vurdert som bispestolskrønike.
  51. Gisela Nordstrandh: Oc tw gør aff thenna huat tu gither: En litterär-retorisk läsning av Erikskrönikans Joar Blå-episod.
  52. Richard North: How was Hávamál performed?
  53. Britt-Mari Näsström: Ottar and Angantyr in Hyndluljóð.
  54. Ólafía Einarsdóttir: Om Eiglas traditionsbærere og forfatter.
  55. Antonella Perelli: Olaus Magnus’ History and Torquato Tasso’s Torrismondo.
  56. Gryt Anne Piebenga: Om den svenske oversettelsen av Vita Mariae Oigniacensis.
  57. Diego Poli: Pastoral function at the Norwegian court.
  58. Fabrizio D. Raschellà: Glossography in medieval Scandinavia.
  59. Christopher Sanders: Grágás and orality: The oldest fragment.
  60. Carlo Santini: Leser, Zuhörer und Publikum in den Gesta Danorum von Saxo Grammaticus.
  61. Birgit Sawyer: The erection of rune-stones in Viking-age Scandinavia: The political background.
  62. Peter Sawyer: The background of Ynglingasaga.
  63. Riccardo Scarcia: La Tradition de la paradoxographie classique dans l’œuvre d’Olaus Magnus.
  64. Sigrún Davíðsdóttir: Håndskriftsagen: The case of the Icelandic manuscripts (abstract).
  65. Olga A. Smirnickaja: Grímnismál on the Eddic stage.
  66. Dariusz A. Sobczynski: Útlendingar á Íslandi: Vitnisburður Íslendinga sagna.
  67. Ulrike Sprenger: Die rhetorische Kunst von Grettir Ásmundarson.
  68. Fabio Stok: Die klassischen Vorbilder der Vita de Kanutus Lavard (Saxo Grammaticus, Gesta Danorum, Buch XIII).
  69. Ulrike Strerath-Bolz: Die Konzeption historischer Kontinuität im Prolog der Snorra Edda.
  70. John Tucker: Chapter divisions: The case of Gunnlaugs saga.
  71. Úlfar Bragason: Sturlunga: A political statement.
  72. Jens Ulff-Møller: The higher numerals in early Nordic texts, and the duodecimal system of calculation.
  73. Andrew Wawn: Choking on a morsal: Saga Játvarðar konungs hins helga and the nineteenth-century politics of saga.
  74. Diana Whaley: Nicknames and narratives in the sagas.
  75. I.M. Willert: The Danish version of the lengend og Roncevaux and its relationship with the Chanson de Roland.
  76. Kirsten Wolf: Om en tabt islandsk oversættelse af Evangelium Nicodemi.
  77. Lars Wollin: Literary reception or linguistic reproduction? On Johannes Bureus and the rise of Swedish medieval philology.
  78. Stefanie Würth: Die B-Version der Trójumannasaga: Stil und Intention der Bearbeitungen.

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