The Sixth International Saga Conference

The Sixth International Saga Conference
7 July — 2 August 1985

Christianity and West Norse Literature
Transmission and Editing of Texts

The Sixth International Saga Conference, 28.7-28.8 1985: Workshop papers I-II, ed. by Jonna Louis-Jensen, Christopher Sanders and Peter Springborg (Copenhagen: Det arnamagnæanske Institut, 1985).

  1. Frederic Amory: Norse-Christian syncretism and interpretario christiana in Sólarljóð.
  2. Andrea van Arkel: Computer aided editing: Arguments pro and contra.
  3. Andrea van Arkel: Proposal for the encoding of material to be kept at the computer bank in Copenhagen.
  4. Reidar Astås: Komplikatoren bak Stjórn I som teolog.
  5. Paul Bibire: Hungrvaka, Þorláks saga helga and Páls saga byskups: The relationship between biography, history and hagiography (abstract).
  6. Régis Boyer: Pagan sacral kingship in the konungasögur.
  7. Jesse L. Byock: The power and wealth of the Icelandic church: Some talking points.
  8. Birte Carlé: Eneboersken Hild: En norrøn jomfru-fortælling.
  9. Martin Chase: Concatenatio as a structural element in the Christian drápur.
  10. Marit Christoffersen & Otto B. Bekken: Algorismus i Hauksbók i europeisk perspektiv.
  11. Carol J. Clover: Cold are the counsels of women: The tradition behind the tradition.
  12. Margaret Clunies Ross: The influence of the medieval encyclopedia on Snorri’s Edda.
  13. Robert Cook: The family sagas and the Bible.
  14. Margaret Cormack: Saints and sinners: Death scenes in konunga and samtíðar sögur.
  15. Helle Degnbol: Hvad en ordbog behøver — og andre ønsker.
  16. Einar Pálsson: Celtic Christianity in pagan Iceland.
  17. Einar G. Pétursson: Kirkjulegar ástæður fyrir ritun Landnámu.
  18. Edward G. Fichtner: The textual history of Njáls saga: Evidence of and from arithmetical proportion.
  19. Bjarne Fidjestøl: On a new edition of scaldic poetry.
  20. Hans Fix: Wörterbuch und Grammatik als Folgeprodukte der computerunterstützten Textedition.
  21. Roberta Frank: Hand tools and power tools in Eilífr’s Þórsdrápa.
  22. Kaaren Grimstad: Editing the OI Elucidarius with the aid of the computer.
  23. Gunnar Karlsson: The ethics of the Icelandic saga authors and their contemporaries: A comment on Hermann Pálsson’s theories on the subject.
  24. Peter Hallberg: Imagery in religious Old Norse prose literature: An outline.
  25. Odd Einar Haugen: The evaluation of stemmatic evidence: Recension and revision of Niðrstigningar saga.
  26. Anne Heinrichs: Christliche Überformung traditioneller Erzählstoffe in der Legendarischen Ólafssaga.
  27. Wilhelm Heizmann: Zur typologischen Interpretation des Magnificat in Maríu saga.
  28. Hermann Pálsson: The transition from paganism to Christianity in early Icelandic literature.
  29. Helle Jensen: Eiríks saga víðfǫrla: Appendiks 3.
  30. Judith Jesch: Some early Christians in Landnámabók.
  31. Jenny M. Jochens: The impact of Christianity on sexuality and marriage in the Kings’ sagas.
  32. Jónas Kristjánsson: Sagas and Saints’ lives.
  33. Peter A. Jorgensen: Rímur-derived prose: Jónatas saga (abstract).
  34. Marinane E. Kalinke: The Icelandic Gregorius peccator and the European tradition.
  35. Ian J. Kirby: The authorship of Konungs skuggsjá.
  36. James E. Knirk: The role of the editor of a diplomatic edition.
  37. Claus Krag: Element-guddomene — mytologi eller skolelærdom?
  38. Henry Kratz: The vocabulary of paganism in the Heilagra manna sǫgur.
  39. Riti Kroesen: The Christianization of two initiatory patterns in the Ǫrvar-Odds saga.
  40. Hans Kuhn: The survival of medieval Christianity in the Icelandic folktale.
  41. John Lindow: Norse mythology’s English connection: Methodological notes.
  42. Hallvard Magerøy: The Christ—Baldr motive in saga literature.
  43. Edith Marold: Das Gottesbild der christlichen Skaldik.
  44. Jeffrey Alan Mazo: Sacred knowledge, kingship and Christianity: Myth and cultural change in medieval Scandinavia.
  45. Bernadine McCreesh: Contrasting Christian and pagan motifs in certain Family sagas.
  46. R. W. McTurk: The structural function of the conversion in saga-narrative (abstract).
  47. Stephen A. Mitchell: Nú gef ek þik Óðni: Attitudes toward Odin in the Mythical-heroic sagas.
  48. Richard Perkins: Christian elements in Flóamanna saga.
  49. Joaquín Martínez Pizarro: Conversion narratives: Form and utility.
  50. Edgar Polomé: Etymology, myth and interpretation: On some problems of the use of Eddic materials in comparative religion (abstract).
  51. Rosemary Power: Christian influence in the Fornaldarsǫgur Norðrlanda.
  52. Omeljan Pritsak: Die Anfänge der altnordischen Saga: Die Perspektive eines Historikers.
  53. Arend Quak: Zur rechtlichen Stellung der Landnehmerinnen.
  54. Eva Rode: Eyrbyggja saga: En sammenligning mellem A- og B-versionen.
  55. Carlo Santini: Il racconto di Gunnarus nel Supplementum Historiae Norvagicae di Arngrímur Jónsson.
  56. Hubert Seelow: Karlamagnús saga, Karl Magnus’ krønike und das Volksbuch Fierabras.
  57. Inge Skovgaard-Petersen: Kristendommens betydning for Saxos Danmarkshistorie.
  58. Desmond Slay: Ívens saga, Mírmanns saga and Ormr Snorrason’s book.
  59. Ulrike Sprenger: Die Umgestaltung heroischer Figuren under dem Einfluss geistlicher Literatur.
  60. Stefán Karlsson: Guðmundar sögur biskups: Authorial viewpoints and methods.
  61. Steinunn Le Breton: Traduction ou adaption (Etude de Textes sur AM 645 4to) (abstract).
  62. Sverrir Tómasson: Norðlenski Benediktínaskólinn.
  63. George Tate: Heiðar stjörnur/heiðnar stjörnur: The confrontation of paganism and Christianity in Sólarljóð.
  64. Paul Beekman Taylor: Kinds of evil and the evil of kind in early Icelandic literature.
  65. Gryte van der Toorn-Piebenga: Comments and questions on the Old Norse miracles of Mary.
  66. John Tucker: The relation of the Plácítus drápa to the Plácítus saga.
  67. Mattias Tveitane: Interpretatio norrœna: Norrøne og antikke gudenavn i Clemens saga.
  68. Diana Whaley: Heimskringla and its sources: The miracles of Oláfr helgi.

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